Rodinia Profile

I love traveling, geology and visiting historical sites. 

Favourite travel destinations: Europe and the Middle East. Hope to explore more of Central Asia in the future, though.

Top of travel list: Saudi Arabia

Favourite archaeological period: Prehistoric, Romans

Favourite geology: the 'oldest rock', Buntsandstein (also take Old Red Sandstone), karst features, ophiolite complexes and generally lovely green mantle rocks. 

Visited Sites Rodinia

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  • Cultural
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  • Mixed

Recent Reviews Rodinia

Al Zubarah

Rodinia Netherlands - 12-Sep-20

I've visited Al Zubarah twice. The first time was around 2009/2010 when I was living in Qatar for roughly a year. At that time it was not yet a WHS. Substantial parts of that town were uncovered then and it was really fascinating to see the layout and the different houses. When I returned to Qatar in around 2013/2014 I visited again and found that most of the town was covered up again and there were just a few buildings visible, plus a reconstruction. I can imagine that people are disappointed about this as there really is not a lot to see. On the other hand I can understand why this was done: the town is built from beach rock, just right there from the water edge: tower shells and sand grains cemented together by the high calcium content sea water

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Most Impressive
Baalbek, Lebanon

Recently Visited WHS

Update 24.07.23
Rating Stats
Angkor 5
Petra 5
Byblos 4.5
Riga 4.5
Rome 4.5
Schokland 4.5
Tallinn 4.5
Tyre 4.5
Wadi Rum 4.5
Anjar 4
Kotor 4
Paphos 4
Trogir 4
Brugge 3.5
Edinburgh 3.5
Istanbul 3.5
Lyon 3.5
Meteora 3.5
Mostar 3.5
Mtskheta 3.5
Orange 3.5
Rhodes 3.5
Vilnius 3.5
Warsaw 3.5
Al Ain 3
Kandy 3
Prague 3
Split 3
Yazd 3
Vienna 2.5

Reviewed TWHS