Historic Resorts

WHS containing areas which developed significantly as "Resorts" for visitors - with structures for lodging, eating and entertainment etc. Excluding "occasional" hotels in National Parks or cities.

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City of Bath "development increased during Georgian times in response to the increasing number of visitors to the spa and resort town who required accommodation" ... "The architects ......laid out new areas of housing for residents and visitors. Assembly rooms had been built early in the 18th century, but a new venue for balls, concerts and gambling was envisaged ......... construction started in 1769. The New or Upper Assembly Rooms opened with a grand ball in 1771 and became the hub of fashionable society" (Wiki)
Curonian Spit "At the end of that century (19th) more elaborate buildings .. lighthouses, churches, schools, and villas - began to be erected alongside the simpler vernacular houses.This was due in part to the fact that the Spit became a recreational centre: Juodkrante became famous as a health resort as early as 1840 and Nida, Preila, and Pervalka were given official recognition in this category in 1933"... "The most northerly part of the Spit is known as Smiltyne. It was not settled until the mid 19th century, when a healthresort was created."(AB Eval)
Great Spa Towns of Europe "All of these towns developed around natural mineral water springs. They bear witness to the international European spa culture that developed from the early 18th century to the 1930s, leading to the emergence of grand international resorts". (AB Ev)
Venice and its Lagoon Lido Island: "In 1857, the first sea bathing facility was set up. This was the first time that anything like it had been seen in Europe and soon, the lido became "The Lido", a byword for a beach resort. The Lido's success and the fascination of Venice nearby made the Lido famous worldwide ....Major beach facilities, hotels and private summer villas have remained the heart of an island that is still known as the "Golden Island" (Wiki)


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