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Recent Reviews Geoffrey A. P. Groesbeck

Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos

Geoffrey A. P. Groesbeck Bolivia, Mexico, and U.S.A. - 08-Jul-06

Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos

This entire area - formerly Chiquitos and now enlarged to include all of the Chiquitania - is a region with a unique culture, history, people, and environment. The product of a remarkable fusion of two civilizations, European and native American, its fascinating legacy remains intact to this day. Its world-famous Jesuit mission churches - six of which were designated World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 1990 are only the best-known of many expressions of this rich synthesis of cultures.

Others include its music (the famous Festival de Música Barroca y Renacentista Americana "Missiones de Chiquitos"), celebrated in world-famous festivals held every other year since 1996 throughout the region's major towns; an astounding heritage of sacred art and architecture; abandoned colonial [...]

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Profile Data

Geoffrey A. P. Groesbeck
Bolivia, Mexico, and U.S.A.
Most Impressive
Jesuit Missions of Eastern Bolivia
San Antonio (TX): encompassing the historic downtown district and San Antonio Missions National Historic Park

Reviewed TWHS