
WHS inhabited by animals of the order Crocodilia, which include (true) Crocodiles as well as Caimans and Alligators.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Belize Barrier Reef American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) (AB ev)
Central Amazon Conservation Complex Black caiman and Spectacled caiman
Chitwan National Park Mugger crocodile (UNEP-WCMC)
Cliff of Bandiagara "Semi-domestic crocodiles are kept as sacred village protectors of Bandiagara and its ancient founder,Nangabanou Tembily. They are also revered so as to ensure continued rains in the ritual rain dances (Yaro and Diko, 1940)." (AB)
Comoé National Park dwarf crocodile
Darien National Park Cayman crocodile and American crocodile
Dja Faunal Reserve two species of crocodile, one being the African long-snouted crocodile (unep)
Djoudj Nile crocodile
Dong Phayayen Siamese Crocodile
Ennedi Massif "One of the most striking conservation features is the small population of crocodiles, estimated at around 10 individuals, which live in the Guelta Archei" (AB ev)
Gulf of California River crocodile at Islas Marías Biosphere Reserve
Iguazu National Park
Ivindo National Park the Critically Endangered Slender-snouted Crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus) finds shelter in the Djidji River (AB ev)
Kaeng Krachan Forest Siamese crocodile
Kakadu National Park
Komodo National Park saltwater crocodile
Lake Malawi
Lake Turkana
Lopé-Okanda African dwarf crocodile (UNEP-WCMC)
Lorentz National Park
Los Katios National Park American crocodile
Mana Pools "A healthy population of the threatened Nile crocodile is also present" (AB ev)
Manu National Park black caiman Melanosuchus niger, common spectacled caiman Caiman crocodilus (UNEP-WCMC)
Niokolo-Koba National Park all three African crocodiles and dwarf crododile
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park broad-snouted caiman, black caiman
Rock Islands Adult and juvenile salt water crocodile are regularly observed in the RISL (Nom file)
Salonga National Park
Sangha Trinational Nile crocodiles
Selous Game Reserve
Sian Ka'an
Sundarbans National Park
The Sundarbans
Tikal National Park Morelet's crocodile
Ujung Kulon National Park Malayan gharial and estuarine crocodile (UNEP-WCMC)
Victoria Falls Nile crocodile
W-Arly-Pendjari Complex Nile crocodile
Wet Tropics of Queensland Daintree River
iSimangaliso Wetland Park


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