Built or owned by Americans

Outside the boundaries of the USA and its territories.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Bikini Atoll Following the end of World War II, Bikini came under the control of the United States as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Bridgetown George Washington House (actually rented, not owned)
Chichen-Itza "In 1894 the United States Consul to Yucatán, Edward H. Thompson purchased the Hacienda Chichén, which included the ruins of Chichen Itza." He studied the ruins for 30years before being charged by the Mexican government with theft from the Cenote Sagrado. The lands were seized but returned to his heirs in 1944 and subsequently sold to Mexican owners.
Levuka "It developed from the early 19th century as a centre of commercial activity by Americans and Europeans" (AB ev)
Lushan National Park Several villas were built by Americans (particularly missionaries) in the late 19th/early 20th century (see 359, 286 and 442 in the link).
Ogasawara Islands Under US control from 1945-1968 (they introduced the goats that degraded the vegetation on Chichijima and Mukojima)
Phoenix Islands "Kanton .... was eventually abandoned after serving a brief stint as a U.S. missile-tracking station. Today, the island still exhibits the remains of the airline and military presence, with 41 persons (as of 2005) residing there, most living in abandoned structures from the U.S./UK occupation (1936-1976)." (Wiki)
Quirigua "in 1910, the United Fruit Company bought a large chunk of the Motagua valley, including the ruins of Quirigua, to set up banana plantations. Fortunately, United Fruit recognized the significance of the ruins and established an archaeological park around it, taking great pains to protect the site from looters, and organized the first major excavations through the Archaeological Institute of America."
Sewell Mining Town Developed by the Braden Copper Company which was founded in 1904 by Barton Sewell and William Bradon. " Barton Sewell never visited Chile and was limited to participating in the business as an upper executive at the companies central offices in New York". By 1916, 95 percent of the Company's stock was in the hands of the Kennecott Corporation owned by the Guggenheim brothers.
Stone Spheres of the Diquís Finca 6 at Palma Sur is situated on land acquired by the United Fruit Company (trading under the name of "Banana company of Costa Rica") in the 1930s


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