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Recent Reviews Alikander99

The Maritime Heritage of Dragør Old Town and Harbour - A ‘skipper-town’ from the era of the great tall ships in the 18th and 19th centuries (T)

Alikander99 - 23-Jun-23

Dragør is a quaint town around 10km south of copenhagen in the island of Amager (which locals pronounce ama). it's actually just a few km away from the airport, so even from the harbour you can still hear the constant air traffic. The reasoning denmark has put forward for inscription basically boils down to preservation. the state argues that there are few towns which showcase the advent of globalisation in the 18th century as well as dragør. Denmark was for a long time a maritime power and it only stopped being so in the 19th century when their fleet was sunk in the war against britain, so hypothetically it would be one of the places to look for this suposedly missing link. The truth however is that dragør is nothing to write home about

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The Historic City of Dublin (T)

Alikander99 - 19-Oct-22

As someone who has lived for a year in Dublin, I would be thoroughly surprised if It became a WHS. It lacks any really notable buildings (apart from Trinity college perhaps) and Its urbanism didn't strike me as unique in any way. This is clearly a vague and halfhearted proposal to get Dublin some WHS. No doubt given more time Ireland will find some more acute proposal to fit Dublin into the list.

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Zadar - Episcopal complex (T)

Alikander99 - 19-Oct-22

I visited zadar a couple years ago and tbh at the time I was a bit underwhelmed. I expected quite a bit of the city and It didn't fullfill. The Fortifications pale in comparison to those of Dubrovnik, the city has way less charm than sibenik and the Roman remains are almost inexistent. Nevertheless It is a nice city, with a pleasant old town, a very interesting church, a surprising Cathedral and an impressive set of fortifications.

In fact, Zadar IS already part of the whl as a component of venetian works of defence owing to those impressive fortifications. However, the new proposal, far from an extension, would requiere a completely new site, whose main Focus would probably be croatian preromanesque.

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Cathedral of St. James in Sibenik

Alikander99 - 19-Oct-22

Cathedral of St. James in Sibenik

Sibenik was the last stop before the eventual end of my balkans coastal route in zadar.

The city IS as most have said, surprisingly charming. It lies at the slope of the coastal mountain range and surveys a spectacular strait. As such, good panoramic photos are a given.

The OU however IS based on only one building, the Cathedral, which is [...]

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David Gareji Monasteries and Hermitage (T)

Alikander99 - 06-Oct-22

I honestly thought this was a WHS (the spanish wikipedia says so...)

David Gareji monasteries IS a set of monastic complexes, atop a desertic plateau in the border between Georgia and Azerbaijan. The landscape itself IS nothing short of spectacular.

This place is HUGE. It was a very important pilgrimage site from the 11th to the 13th century, home to a thriving school of fresco painters funded extensively by the georgian kings.

Most people visit David Gareji in the georgian side and udebno in the azeri side. Getting there requires some determination but thankfully no border control. To put It bluntly, the site is in the middle of nowhere and the roads are quite bad. 

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