Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia

Photo in the Public Domain.

Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia is part of the Tentative list of Romania in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

The Dacian limes is the longest land Roman border sector of Europe, stretching over more than 1000 km. It comprises hundreds of Roman sites all across Romania. Various geographical conditions had to be overcome to create man-made barriers and fortifications.

Map of Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia

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The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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Germany - 19-Oct-21 -

Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia (T) by Nan

The Roman Empire had it's largest extend under Trajan. He defeated the eternal enemy of Rom, Parthia, and incorporated Mesopotamia as a province into the empire. However, the conquest was short lived. His immediate successor, Hadrian of Hadrian's Wall fame, cut Mesopotamia lose again. It was too far away from the heartland of the empire and consequently too hard to defend.

The second conquest of Trajan, though, remained a Roman province for about 150 years: Dacia, present day Romania. The reason were the Dacian gold mines in and around Rosia Montana (already inscribed). To get a glimpse, you can visit the National Museum of Art of Romania in Bucharest where several gold pieces pre and post Roman are on exhibition.

In comparison to other Limes sites, the Dacian Limes has a very odd form. It does not follow natural features and it does not create a short border. Instead it creates a bulge extending away from the Danube that includes the gold mines.

During my visit to Romania, I managed to visit a few sites. In Cluj, I walked up a local hill in search of a watchtower. I think I made it to the location, but there was nothing to see. Near Rosia Montana in Abrud, I searched for remnants of a castle, but again, there was nothing to see. Best site was in Iulia Alba, a tentative site on it's own, where a ruins of a Roman castle can be visited.


If Germany manages to inscribe three different Limes sites, all bets are off. The Dacian Limes is by comparison more interesting due to it's rather unique geographical form: the Dacian gold mines are it's sole raison d'etre.

Personally, I prefer extending Rosia Montana to include some defensive structures and towns associated with Roman gold mining. And submitting Iulia Alba and Porolissum on their own merits instead of this cheaper by the dozen approach. But the way Limes sites are going, this will be inscribed eventually, i.e., if the Romanians ever get the paperwork ready.

Getting There

If you look at the map you can see a bulge extend away from the Danube, the main Roman border. The bulge protects the gold mines of Dacia, most notably Rosia Montana, an inscribed site.

The locations are spread all across Northwestern Romania, so pick and choose. Easiest to visit is probably Iulia Alba, a splendid tentative site on it's own. The most renown site is probably Porolissum.

In my case I think I visited the site near Cluj (long walk up the hill to see ?), the site in Iulia Alba and the coordinates in Abrud. I had plans to go to Turda or Gilau, but didn't manage.

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Full Name
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia
Nominated for
Archaeological site - Ancient Rome
2020 Added to Tentative List

The site has 301 locations

Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Grebăn wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Muncelul Chiuie?tiului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Măgulici auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetatea Urieșilor auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Voislova (Pons Augusti) auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: castru mic auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Braniște wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cornul Vlașinului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Crucii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Grajduri CAP auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetatea Urieșilor fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Zăvoi (Agnaviae) auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: castru mare auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Zburătorilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Poic fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul lui Mihai wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Zlatna auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Micia (Grădiște) auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Traianu auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Băneasa auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Urluieni 1 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Braniște (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dl. lui Gyuri wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: SAMVM auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Zlatna wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Sânpetru watchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Tibiscum auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 rampart (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Epureasca whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Urluieni 2 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Tabla Pietroasa fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Salhiger wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vârful Ţâglii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetate auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Luncani Târsa temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Caput Bubali auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Gaitini auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Drumul Carului auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Valea Urlui auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Hârșești 1 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vârful Măgurii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Salhiger wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Muchia Poienii Lupului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetăţeaua fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vârtoape temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Aizis auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Valea Mocanului earthen rampart (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Hârșești 2 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Cet?ii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Mare wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cornul Sonului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Muncel temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Berzobis auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 rampart (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Valea Mocanului whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Ulmi wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Arsură wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Cornii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Șesului temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Rovină auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Gresia auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sărăţel 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Arsură 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Bociului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Comarnicel I temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Arcidava auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sărăţel 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Arsură 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Râmbușoi wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Comarnicel II temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Chilii auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Orheiul Bistriţei auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Arsură 3 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dosu Marcului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Comarnicel III temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Hideg auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Livezile auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Julii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Horhiș wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Jigoru Mare temporary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Zidină auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Oului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Frapsin wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetăţea wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sarmizegetusa civil settelment (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Roata lui Todoran wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dl. Secuiului fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dambu Varadestilor1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Războieni whatchtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Dumbrav? wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 0 (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dambu Varadestilor2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Ţigani wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sub Cornet 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dambu Varadestilor (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Pietrei wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sub Cornet 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Poieni centru fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Ciorilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Ferice wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Grădiște auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vârful Zgăului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Prislop 4 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Măgura Bologii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Colnicului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Crasnei/Bucium wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Ursului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Colnicului 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Prislop 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Castel auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Păltiniș wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Prislop 3 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Mic 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Casa Urieșilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dl. Cozlii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Mic 3 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Sâtii fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Poiana ?eredanilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Mic 4 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Lazuri wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Mic 5 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Lazuri vis a vis la est wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Potaissa legionary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Lazului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Deasupra Șurii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Ursoaia wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Rângoiţa wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Groapa Mare wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Marginea wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Osoiului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Grădiște auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Pădurea Bisericii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Podul Milcoaiei wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Coasta Lată wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vârful Pliculeţe wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Strunga Găvojdenilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Osoiul Ciontului 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Pădurea Bisericii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Faţa Carpenului 3 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Coasta Ciungii 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Faţa Carpenului 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Coasta Ciungii 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Faţa Carpenului 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Ciungii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cornul Malului 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Gura Teghișului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cornul Malului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vf. Teghișului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Negru Vodă wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sub Păstaie wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vodă fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Mănăstirii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Muncelului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vârful Obârșiei wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Osoiul Ciontului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Sflederului 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetate auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Varful Sflederului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: P?staie (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Valea Mestecănișului fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vf. Păstaie wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vârful Runcului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Măgura Stânii 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Bistri?a N?s?ud wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Măgura Stânii 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Podului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sub Măgura Stânii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Oroieși wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: ARCOBA(DA)RA auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Balize wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Poniţa wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Măgurii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Masa Craiului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Peringaru wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Poieniţa wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dl. Dojii 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dl. Dojii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Clocoţăl wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Magurice 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Magurice wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Fântâna Șușigului fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Str?mtur? rampart (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Fântâna Șușigului 2 fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Druia wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sub Druia wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Moigradanilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dl. Ferice wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 0 (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Poguior wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Făgiște wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vitinal 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Vitinal 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Mare 3 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Mare 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Mare wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Mare wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Voievodeasa 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Voievodeasa 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: - wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Ruine (CERTIAE) auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: (POROLISSVM) auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Citera auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 00 (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dungii 0 (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Sub Citeră fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: 0 fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealu Mare 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Mănăstire wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dumbrava Brebi wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Fundătură wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Fundătură 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Pe Șanţ rampart (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Tărăboilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Gradiste / Cetate wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Gradiste auxiliary fort (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: De-asupra Văii Hrăii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Faţa Chicerii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Holm wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Hornicior wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Curmăturiţa wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Ţiclău wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Andreichii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Hoancelor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Poiana la Arbore wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Bontauă wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: - fortlet (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: La Căsoi wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Coama Pietrar 1 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Coama Pietrar 2 wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Toaca Glodului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetate I wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Cetate II wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Casa Popii/Poianu wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Casa Popii wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Casa Urieșilor wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dâmbul lui Golaș wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Hotroapă wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: Dealul Muncelului wachtower (T)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia: (Optatiana) auxiliary fort (T)
WHS 1997-2023